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Angel Yeast Achieves Good Performance in 2024 EcoVadis CSR Evaluation

On October 25, 2024, Angel Yeast made progress in the 2024 EeoVadis CSR evaluation, earning a score of 60, an improvement of 6 points from 2023. This places Angel Yeast in the top 29% of companies assessed globally over the past 12 months, marking a 13% rise from last year's overall ranking. The company is also among the top 21% in the food manufacturing industry, showcasing its consistent progress and commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR).

EcoVadis Evaluation Background

EcoVadis is a global CSR rating agency that assesses companies across non-financial areas such as environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Angel Yeast has participated in the EcoVadis assessment for four consecutive years, continually refining its CSR practices.


The report highlights Angel Yeast's comprehensive environmental strategy, covering energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and water management. As a United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) participant, Angel Yeast has implemented measures like utilizing biomass fuels and renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, reducing emissions, installing biofiltration to combat air pollution, and setting up rainwater collection and wastewater quality assessment systems. The company also uses biodegradable packaging materials, further minimizing its environmental footprint.

Labor and Human Rights

Angel Yeast has policies to protect employee rights and well-being, focusing on working conditions, health and safety, and career development. The company offers flexible work arrangements, and health insurance, and has achieved ISO45001 certification to align with international standards. Regular employee satisfaction surveys address mental health and stress management, fostering a positive work environment.

Business Ethics

Angel Yeast ranks among the top 8% of companies in the food manufacturing industry for business ethics. The report highlights several initiatives Angel Yeast has undertaken in this area, including implementing anti-corruption and conflict-of-interest policies, conducting risk assessments and training, and providing whistleblowing channels. Additionally, the company has enhanced information security management and established approval processes for sensitive transactions to ensure full compliance.

Sustainable Procurement

EcoVadis awarded Angel Yeast a high score of 70 for its performance in sustainable procurement, placing it in the top 6% of the food manufacturing industry.The report notes that Angel Yeast has integrated environmental and social responsibility standards into its supply chain management, conducting regular supplier evaluations. The company also operates a global supplier diversity program, incentivizing high-performing suppliers to promote sustainability across the supply chain.

Future Outlook

The 2024 EcoVadis results underscore Angel Yeast’s dedication to CSR. Building on this achievement, the company plans to strengthen its initiatives to drive further progress in CSR, contributing positively to sustainable social and environmental development.

About Angel

Angel Yeast Company is a high-tech listed company specializing in yeast and biotech. Product business covers Yeast and Baking, Yeast Extract-Savoury, Nutrition & Health and Biotechnology fields. It is one of the world's leading companies in the yeast industry. Angel has 12 holding subsidiaries and provides products and services for more than 170 countries and regions.

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Address: 168 Chengdong Avenue, Yichang, Hubei 443003, P.R.China


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