Notícias e Eventos - Angelyeast-pt
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Notícias e Eventos

COP28: Angel Yeast's Environmentally Friendly Yeast Protein Empowers Sustainability Development
[Saúde humana] COP28: Angel Yeast's Environmentally Friendly Yeast Protein Empowers Sustainability Development
Angel Presents Innovative Organic Fertilizer Solutions at Growtech Expo 2023
[Nutrição vegetal] Angel Presents Innovative Organic Fertilizer Solutions at Growtech Expo 2023
Angel yeast protein opens a new chapter of alternative protein
[Salgados de folha] Angel yeast protein opens a new chapter of alternative protein
Yichang Tea Group's Products Win Gold Award at International Competition
[Chá] Yichang Tea Group's Products Win Gold Award at International Competition
Angel Participated in BrauBeviale, Focusing on New Trends in the Beer Industry
[Bebidas alcoólicas e biocombustíveis] Angel Participated in BrauBeviale, Focusing on New Trends in the Beer Industry
Angel Yeast Brings Sustainable Food Solutions for the Future to FI Europe2023
[Salgados de folha] Angel Yeast Brings Sustainable Food Solutions for the Future to FI Europe2023
Angel Headquarters Welcomed 15 International Students from 14 Countries and Regions
[A Empresa] Angel Headquarters Welcomed 15 International Students from 14 Countries and Regions
Witness Innovation Unleashed: Angel Yeast Showcases GroPro and YeaMOS T at Livestock Malaysia 2023!
[Nutrição animal] Witness Innovation Unleashed: Angel Yeast Showcases GroPro and YeaMOS T at Livestock Malaysia 2023!
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