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Application of Heat-resistant Ruminant Yeast (YeaVita R+) in Fattening Lambs

Get ready to revolutionize your ruminant nutrition with YeaVita R+!

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has always been an important feed additive for ruminants. Its possible beneficial effects include: maintaining the stability of rumen pH, improving feed digestibilityand improving animal performance. With the wide application of pellet feed in ruminants, people pay more attention to the survival rate of saccharomyces cerevisiae during feed granulation and its practical application effect. Therefore, based on the study of the granulation survival rate of high temperature resistant ruminant yeast, we further studied the application of high temperature resistant ruminant yeast (YeaVita R+) in fattening lambs.

1. Experimental design (Sun et al, 2022)

The study was conducted in a 2 × 2 factorial design with two experimental factors and two levels in each factor. The proportion of corn in the diet (350 g/kg diet as fed for low corn versus 600 g/kg diet as fed for high corn) and the absence or presence (0.8 g/kg diet as fed) of YeaVita R+ in the diet, to form four dietary treatments. After adaptation to pelleted total mixed rations and housing conditions, fifty-six 3-month-old male lambs with a bodyweight of 19.9 ± 2.7 kg (mean ± s.d.) were randomly assigned to the four dietary treatments (n = 14 per treatment). The ingredients and nutrient contents of the diets are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Ingredients and nutrient contents of experimental diets containing a low (LC) or high (HC) proportion of corn and supplemented with nil (CON) or YeaVita R+

1Premix per kg contained 200,000 IU vitamin A, 60,000 IU vitamin D3, 550 mg vitamin E, 800 mg nicotinamide, 650 mg Cu (as CuSO4), 2,800 mg Fe (as FeSO4), 900 mg Mn (as MnSO4), 16 mg Se (as Na2SeO3), 3,600 mg Zn (as ZnSO4), 20 mg Co (as CoCl2), 15 mg I (as Ca(IO3)2), and 15 g lysine. The carrier was composed of glucose, rice bran, zeolite powder, and limestone powder.

2The nutrient contents were analysed values.

3ADF = acid detergent fibre; CP = crude protein; DM = dry matter; EE = ether extract; NDF = neutral detergent fibre; OM =organic matter.

2. High temperature stability of YeaVitaR+ in the pelleting process of fattening lamb feed

YeaVita R+ contained moisture less than 60 g/kg and was vacuum sealed before being supplemented into TMR for pelleting. The rate of supplementation was 0.8 g/kg of diet as fed. The pelleted TMR was stored for one month before the start of the formal animal experiment. At the beginning of the formal experimental period, YeaVita R+ and feed samples were collected in triplicate for live yeast (LY) counts using microscopy in the alkaline methylene blue staining method.

The LY count was 10 × 109 colony forming units (CFU)/g inYeaVita R+ and 4.37 × 106 (Survival rate 54.6%) and 4.30 × 106 (Survival rate 53.8%) CFU/g of complete feed in pelleted TMR at the beginning of the animal experiment in the LC and HC pellets, respectively (Table 1).

3. Effect of YeaVitaR + on growth performance of fattening lambs

The supplementation of YeaVita R+ resulted in 36 g/d greater average daily gain regardless of the proportion of corn in the diet (P = 0.007) (Table 2). During the growth performance measurement period, ADG in the second four weeks dropped (P < 0.05) by 19%, 26% and 29% for LC+CON, LC+LY and HC+CON treatments, respectively, but increased (P < 0.05) by 6.2% for the HC+LY treatment compared with the first four weeks.

Table 2 Effect of YeaVitaR + on growth performance of fattening lambs

1ADG = average daily gain; BW = body weight, LC= low proportion of corn, HC=high proportion of corn.

4. Effects of YeaVitaR + on feed intake and total digestive tract apparentdigestibility of fattening lambs

The digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fibre, and acid detergent fibre increased by 38, 41, 193, and 122g/kg, respectively, with the supplementation of YeaVita R+ (P ≤ 0.007) (Table 3).

Table3 Effects of YeaVitaR + on feed intake and total digestive tract apparent digestibility of fattening lambs

Effects of YeaVitaR + on feed intake and total digestive tract apparent digestibility of fattening lambs.jpg

1ADF = acid detergent fibre; CP = crude protein; DM = dry matter; NDF = neutral detergent fibre; OM = organic matter.

5. Conclusions

The present study demonstrated that over half of live yeast cells mixed into a TMR can survive pelleting. The supplementation of YeaVita R+ at a dose of 0.8 g/kg of feed increased the growth performance of fattening lambs with the effect being independent of the proportion of corn in the diet. The supplementation of YeaVita R+ to pelleted TMR also increased feed digestibility for lambs.

Start your journey with YeaVita R+ today, seize the opportunity to transform your ruminant nutrition and witness remarkable results in your herd!

Published by Aolin Wu
Assistant Engineer of Animal Nutrition Division

About Angel Animal Nutrition:

Fubon is a brand of Angel Animal Nutrition. Fubon is committed to developing natural, efficient microbial feed derived from yeast with Angel's leading technology in yeast industry, providing the best service solutions for the nutrition and health in animals. Angel Animal Nutrition creates value for global feed and animal agriculture customers through continuously upgraded products and professional services.

About Angel:

Angel Yeast Company is a high-tech listed company specializing in yeast and biotech. Product business covers Yeast and Baking, Yeast Extract-Savoury, Nutrition & Health and Biotechnology fields. It is one of the world's leading companies in the yeast industry. Angel has 12 holding subsidiaries and provides products and services for more than 150 countries and regions.

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